1A577B43E3E519A4562D57BFBB1EF07C Smart Bus VS KNX | Smart G4 Automation
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Smart-BUS G4 Vs. KNX Comparison

Smart-BUS G4 Vs. KNX Comparison

Many People Asked if Smart G4 is compatible and can be mix installed together with KNX. 

The answer is absolutely yes, 

By using smart G4- KNX Bridge the installer and his clients can enjoy unlimited variety of selections and abilities. that covers and not limited to: Lighting, Dimming, Motors control, Moods, HVAC, IR control, Music, Occupancy, Metering and many more...

KNX- G4 Bridge
8button G4 Vyrox KNX
Thermostat G4 Vyrox KNX

Our Recommended Example of KNX Vyrox Range

KDP Dynamic Display G4 Vyrox KNX
4button G4 Vyrox KNX





Smart-BUS G4 to KNX Connection Diagram

Smart-BUS G4 to KNX Connection Diagram
Smart-BUS G4 to KNX Connection Diagram
Smart G4 KNX-Sbus
Smart G4 KNX-Sbus
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