1A577B43E3E519A4562D57BFBB1EF07C Smart G4 Education Solutions | Smart G4 Automation
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G4 Smart Solution for Educational Buildings

G4 Smart Solution for Educational Buildings

We make it Easy to cut wastage and add safety
Smart Education Public area Solutions
  • School Energy Saving

  • School Lab Air Quality

  • BGM/ PA and Time Clock

  • Auditorium AV Systems

  • Signage Control, Lighting Dynamic Control and Scheduling

  • Climate Control

  • Active Lighting

  • Student School Entry / Exit Logging Tracking Solution

  • Student Bus Ride Logging Safety and Tracking Solution

Smart G4, Smart Education Public area Solutions
Smart Classroom Simple G4 Solutions
  • Proactive Lighting

  • Comfort and Temperature control

  • Multimedia Control

  • In class student logging

  • Active shooting Lockdown safety

Smart G4, Smart Classroom Simple G4 Solutions
Student Campus Room
  • Real Occupancy Sensors

  • Energy Saving

  • Comfort and Scheduling

  • Water Wastage Saving

Smart G4, Student Campus Room
Central Monitoring Dashboarding
  • Monitor all Locations

  • Control based on schedules, events or manual

  • Report and decision making adjustment

Smart G4, Central Monitoring Dashboarding
Smart G4, School or College Attendance and Tracking
School / College Attendance and Tracking

Smart G4 provides Bio-S Smart School Secure and Easy classroom attendance logging system . The device can be installed at every Lecture room door/ Auditorium entry to log in the students attendance for different lectures.

For children schools, a tapered entry at main school entrance with Entry and Exit Bio-S device shall ensure the logging and tracking of each child which can also be tracked on internet dashboard securely by parents.

The Bio-S will warn if any child is leaving unattended accordingly, and will also alert if any unauthorized person is trying to enter school grounds.  This Device together with other smart G4 solutions can help secure and safeguard the beloved ones at minimal costs.

Smart G4, School Bus Safety and Tracking
School Bus Safety and Tracking

It is very important for parents to track their child mobility and safety at any time and at all times with automated alerts.  The smart School BUS Bio-S can identify and log school children entering the bus and exiting the bus with exact time/date stamp.   Additional SMS can be sent to parents informing them that child is back home already.

School Bus Child Safety (Never leave any one behind)

Many fatal accidents have been reported especially during very hot seasons where some children fall asleep and remain inside busses. As the driver, presuming they emptied the bus, to unknowingly lock the child in the bus to die of heat, thirst, and hunger.

Smart G4 has designed 2 solutions for this critical situation:

  • The Bio-S that counts the In/Out and has display for Student safety.

  • The S-BUS Child safety System as explained herewith in the  illustrate video above

Smart G4, Active School Shooting Lockdown Safety
Active School Shooting Lockdown Safety

Smart G4 Cyber-night (SERAI) has developed a new simple yet most effective classroom lock down response unit to make sure that all children are safe inside classrooms during active shooting. deterring the attacker from wasting his time to invade and break school locked classroom.

While locking the door idea sounds simple, it is not the case in real life scenario. Most the panicking students as well as teachers would not have the courage to approach the door to lock it.

Smart G4, Active School Shooting Lockdown Safety
With our classroom responder, it is as simple as pulling a string that runs around all the classroom and can be pulled from any corner people are hiding at.  (It is similar to the Pull string available in US buses like greyhound and others.

Kindly contact our Sales team for your needs.


Smart G4, Waste less and Healthy Classroom

Waste-less Classroom    |    Healthy Classroom

Simply Plug And Play Solution That Allow The Following Logical Energy Saving And Functional Control On Demand:

1- If Sun is Shining, then Save Lighting Energy.
2- If No One in Classroom after Class Hours then Save Energy (lights and AC off).
3- If temperature is below (Cold) = Warm up Classroom.
4- If Temperature is above (hot) = Cool Down Classroom.
5- If Occupied & Teacher command by Remote or iPhone, then Turn Lights & AC temperature as Needed.
6- If Motion By Janitors or after School hours then Light up, then when no more activity = Save energy.
7- Optional Central Management and Remote Ministry Notional Consumption analysis and logging.

Smart G4, education
Smart-G4 Automation, Technology For Everyone.
Smart-G4 Automation, Technology For Everyone
The 8in1 Sensor with the Swave are the Best Friend and almost
complete solution for Universities, Colleges and School classrooms
Smart-G4 Automation, Technology For Everyone 2
SMART-KIDZ Creative Box
SMART-KIDZ Creative Box

My Creative Box (MCB) is a Learning System designed to impart the vital elements of STEAM to our children. STEAM is an an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics . MCB accomplishes this goal by using a “Hand’s-On” system where the “User” (the at-home child or in-school student) actually builds the MCB computer system and programs the system to do various tasks related to the playing of the world famous “MineCraft” game (which comes as part of the computer system). These tasks include [a] building the physical computer from the MCB that arrives as a kit; [b] assembling electrical circuits to create controls to play the game; [c] exploring levels of the game to meet various challenges that use, logic, math, and physical & mental skills to build both parts and game components within MineCraft; and [d] learning programming skills to advance within the game and create physical electronic components to enhance the game.

SMART-KIDZ Creative Box – At Home

Children who have a My Creative Box in their home will greatly benefit from the major exposure they will have to the innovative learning system. Parents can help guide their children’s development, but children instinctively seem to absorb the knowledge flow of the MCB. They jump into the building of the MCB and then into the MineCraft Game that takes them into a world of electronic circuits and programming that makes the game move forward

SMART-KIDZ Creative Box – At School

Every school can benefit from multiple My Creative Boxes in classroom. MCB’s are a teaching innovation that imparts self-reliance, new skills and creativity. The  MCB make learning new skills fun. The integral MineCraft game system not only grabs the attention of every age student, but makes the knowledge easy to absorb. Hearing allows for 25% retention, Seeing allows for 50% retention, but Doing allows for up to 90% retention of knowledge. MCB builds “Hands-On” skills and a knowledge base in Logic, Engineering, Electronics, Coding and Programming that will benefit the students throughout their lifetimes.

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